"Faith is doing the right thing, and keeping on doing the right thing, even when the right thing is not happening to you."

Saturday, November 18, 2006

What am I thinking about?

I was thinking a lot during these past few weeks. It is regarding the long break that I will tend to have after my exams. Why not? It is going to be one and half months of break. That is a long time for me to rest and relax.

Of course, the question is where will I be during these holiday break? Shall I travel to an unknown place like the middle east for instance which I have not gone throughout my life or shall I just stay in the country and enjoy the break? That is something I will leave it to fate when it arrives soon after 25th November when my school closes for the holiday.

However, as I was thinking now, my mind is thinking about Mathematics Test which is due this Wednesday. Today, I visited my colleague whom had a baby girl born last two weeks. The baby girl is so red and she look so pure. It is this kind of feeling that I will always think about myself that babies are always born without sins and they have long life ahead of them. We share my friend's happiness when we visited his house. He is indeed very happy with his wife.

Now, as I was saying beforehand, here I am thinking about the destination that I will embark on this coming holiday, others are going through a lot more thinking that me.

These are the list. As I am thinking,
  • my colleague is thinking of getting a break from his new commitment of getting a newborn,
  • my other colleague is thinking of getting enough money to get engage and get married,
  • Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are tieing the knot - Marriage thoughts,
  • President Bush had just left Singapore and is heading down to the Apec Summit in Hanoi, Vietnam - He surely has a lot to think about,
  • The Palestinians are thinking on how to survive for their next few months while they are being oppressed by u know who.The Iraqis and Afghans, are thinking on how to survive in their occupied country,
  • The fight in Darfur, the black moslems there are trying to survive from being killed by u know who,
  • Singaporeans are thinking about the new GST hike of 7% coming soon,
  • The Americans,are thinking on their new future with the Democrats winning a majority seats in the Congress,
  • The Malaysians,are thinking on when will the dispute between the former prime minister and the current prime minister will end,
  • Indian and Pakistanis are thinking whether they will ever see a nuclear war between them when they keep seeing new nuke tests being carried out by either side.
  • South Koreans and Japanese people are thinking of whether there will be an attack by North Korean's nukes,
  • The Kyoto Countries members are figuring out on how to cut carbon emmission,
  • The Thais are thinking on when will their martial law ends,
  • and many other people in the world are thinking on other major issues.
Now, does all these other issues in the world, play a part in my decision? No, indeed not. It is just to show me how small my problem is as compared to other people faced in the world. So, what am I thinking about? Sigh..

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